The role of primary caregiver is being fulfilled by an increasing number of single American fathers.Although single mother households still outnumber them -- representing around 8.6 million households in 2011, based on a Pew Research study -- the rise of the single...
Month: February 2014
Potential property division and tax issues during divorce
When it comes to dividing property, divorce can be a complicated process for many California couples. The state’s community property laws with respect to marital debts and assets may not always seem intuitive.The first step is separating marital assets from...
The role Facebook can play in a divorce
The world of divorce and family law is always evolving, and with these developments has come improved processes and better divorces (a phrase that many people may seem like a myth). In a similar, albeit more rapid, way, the world of technology is always evolving. In...
Protecting yourself, financially and emotionally, in a divorce
When a person decides they want to divorce their spouse, it can be a startling realization for some, and it can be difficult to prepare for, even for people who may have felt their marriage was rocky for many years.The divorce process can be difficult, but people can...