If your divorce decree includes a child support agreement, there may be changes to your federal or state of California income tax returns. The relationship between income tax guidelines and child support payments may be complex, and it is subject to alteration under...
Month: March 2019
The basics of visitation and custody orders after divorce
Every state is different when it comes to divorce and child custody laws, and California is no exception. When a couple divorces, there is property to split, debt to divide and children who are facing tumult in their lives. Many couples have a hard time with divorce...
What do I do if my teen wants to live with my ex?
Since your divorce, you've probably had some rocky moments with your kids. If you have the majority of the parenting time, you might be on the front lines most of the time. If they were very young when you divorced, they may have been confused and sad, but older...
Sharing custody of children can be positive and fulfilling
When parents are faced with the seemingly daunting task of arranging a shared custody arrangement during their divorce in California, the chances that they are able to amicably and respectfully share the parenting responsibilities of their children may seem incredibly...
How should debt be split in a divorce?
If you are one of the many people in California who is facing or even in the midst of a divorce, you know firsthand that the process entails a lot more than just one person moving out. It is also about more than just who gets what set of towels or other personal...