The co-parenting process is not always an easy one, but you may find that you and your ex manage the situation better when you have a parenting plan outlining the terms to which you agree. Most parenting plans accomplish two main objectives. First, they outline the...
Firm News
Summer break and the divorce process
Parents who are dealing with a divorce may be going through many hurdles, both in their personal lives and their professional lives too. As a parent, bringing a marriage to an end can be very tough, especially in regard to the potential impact the divorce may have on...
Tracking down assets your spouse may hide
If your marriage is coming to an end, it is possible that there were trust issues long before the divorce procedure began. If these issues involved your family finances, you may have reason to feel concerned about how your property division will go. California law...
Child support payments and emotional challenges
Those who are dealing with family law matters may have emotional challenges for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes, simply dealing with the divorce process and adjusting to life without a spouse can result in depression, anxiety or other negative emotions. Moreover, those...
Gambling addiction and divorce
Couples make the decision to end their marriage for countless reasons, but the divorce process can be particularly challenging for some people. Those experiencing financial problems may be especially worried about how their divorce will impact their finances, and some...
California divorces and pet custody
If you have a dog, cat or another type of pet, you know the special bond that often develops between humans and their animal companions. Many California residents have pets and commonly refer to them as members of their family. Some people who do not have children...
Man arguing that preserved embryo is not property
While prenuptial (and even postnuptial) agreements may not seem incredibly romantic or even supportive a marriage's long-term success, more and more people in Stockton may be seeing the logic behind them. Essentially, they can avoid the potential of disputes arising...
Divorce and eating disorders
Many people focus on some of the financial repercussions of divorce when they are bringing their marriage to a close, such as the amount of child support that they will receive or pay, or the manner in which their marital property will be divided. Others may focus on...
Things to consider if you’re thinking about divorce
Hundreds, if not thousands, of California residents will get divorced before 2019 ends. If you're among spouses who are thinking about filing, it's a good idea to consider some important issues before you take formal action in court. If you're a parent, then your...
Sleep problems during the divorce process
From financial issues associated with property division and child support to the amount of time that may need to be devoted to working through a divorce, ending your marriage can bring on a number of challenges. For some people, this may lead to sleep problems, while...