Divorce can significantly impact many aspects of life, including health insurance coverage. Spouses must consider their health insurance options during and after divorce. It is important to understand the ways divorce affects health insurance. 1. Loss of coverage for...
How to deal with a stonewalling spouse during a divorce
Divorce is challenging enough without added communication barriers. When one spouse refuses to engage or communicate, known as stonewalling, it can escalate the difficulty of the process. If you're dealing with a stonewalling spouse during a divorce in California,...
4 sources of stress during divorce and how to cope with them
Divorce brings significant upheaval, stirring major life changes. Even if divorce seems like the best option, adjusting to these changes can be unsettling. However, there are steps you can take to navigate these challenges and make the divorce process smoother. 1....
Top 4 questions about divorce
You might notice that your marriage is not doing well. Perhaps they have been especially stern and aloof lately. While you probably expect them to go back to normal after blowing off some steam, that is not always the case. One day, you might come home to a divorce...
Avoid these mistakes during collaborative divorce
Divorce does not have to be hostile. Many couples come to a mutual understanding that the relationship is over and want as little stress as possible. This is a collaborative divorce; if you handle the situation correctly, you can avoid court altogether. According to...
4 frequently asked questions about asset division during divorce
Whether a marriage has lasted months, years or decades, divorcing couples have often invested a great deal both financially and emotionally. Dividing two lives is not easy, and when a divorce involves children or potentially significant assets, the process often...
Things to know about spousal support in California
If you decide to divorce, a variety of issues will come to light during the process. For many divorcing couples, questions and concerns regarding spousal support are among the most important. Depending on the circumstances, the family law court may order one...
What do I do during the six-month waiting period?
Once you and your former spouse have made the difficult decision to move toward divorce, you may want to finish everything as quickly as possible. This time of transition involves huge changes in your life. You may want to jump into the next chapter as soon as you...
Working together for your children’s school needs
Your children are back in school. You must now start picking them up from sports or academic team practices and driving them to competitions. Your schedule becomes more and more hectic as they get involved in extracurricular activities. But dealing with your...
Can my former spouse move with our children?
Your divorce has been settled and you have relaxed into a respectful co-parenting routine with your former spouse. After about a year, your former partner announces plans to move several hours away with the children. You currently share joint physical custody are...