Horses are a popular passion for many couples in California's Central Valley. A love of horses and equestrian sports might have brought you and your spouse together. Now that you are facing a divorce, however, you must make a difficult decision about your animals. If...
Property Division
Does worry about asset division keep you up at night?
As a heavy equipment operator, you make a good income. Over the years, you have been able to afford a few luxuries like a speedboat and an RV. You also have a pension plan and a few investments. Now that you are facing divorce, you worry about property division and...
Investment accounts and divorce: How to protect what’s yours
Once you decide to divorce, a good portion of your time will immediately turn to matters regarding property and debt division. For example, if you have investment accounts, these have the chance to be among the most valuable assets in your divorce. And for that reason...
Planning ahead to protect your business in divorce
Dividing your marital assets in divorce is always difficult. You and your spouse must either agree on how to equally split your shared assets or let a judge decide. But when you’re a business owner, property division in divorce becomes even more complicated. When your...
Man arguing that preserved embryo is not property
While prenuptial (and even postnuptial) agreements may not seem incredibly romantic or even supportive a marriage's long-term success, more and more people in Stockton may be seeing the logic behind them. Essentially, they can avoid the potential of disputes arising...
How should debt be split in a divorce?
If you are one of the many people in California who is facing or even in the midst of a divorce, you know firsthand that the process entails a lot more than just one person moving out. It is also about more than just who gets what set of towels or other personal...
How can divorce impact my business?
When you divorce in California, it impacts every area of your life. You have to deal with child custody and muddle through your assets. Splitting up your life can be very difficult. Things become even trickier if you own a business. The effect of the divorce on your...
What are some guidelines for dividing property?
Your divorce in California can be made easier by working with your spouse to create your divorce agreement. One area that often is contentious is the division of property. However, when you work together on this, you can avoid having the court step in and make...
Dividing real estate in the divorce
If you and your spouse have acquired a significant amount of real estate during your marriage, your divorce may be a high-asset one and subject to stricter property division guidelines. At Butler, Thiessen & Metzinger, Inc., we represent clients in high-asset divorce...
What makes a premarital agreement unenforceable
A prenuptial agreement can serve as a great tool for mitigating common divorce issues, such as the division of property and alimony. Unfortunately, in our experience, there are flaws in the vast majority of California premarital agreements. Such flaws often render...